Machines to produce fertilizer

It optimizes your production and power your crops with this machine to make fertilizer!

Designed for the agricultural sector, this machine allows you to meet the growing needs of nutrients for your crops efficiently and cost-effectively. With his ability of mixing, crushing and granulating, you can customize your own fertilizer formulas, adapting them to the specific needs of your plants. Increases productivity, improves the quality of your crops and optimizes the use of resources, all in a single machine.

With a capacity of 3,000 , 5,000 and 10,000 litres

This machine to make fertilizer ensures an efficient process and controlled for the production of fertilizers from the stillage and additives, ensuring quality and meeting the desired standards.

How does it work?

This machine is fully automatic and features programming and regulation of temperature, time and vacuum according to the specific needs. In addition, it has manual commands to open and close the hatch.

The process starts by pumping the raw material to be processed, in this case, the stillage. Then you add a reagent and is put into circulation. At the same time, the system thermopak provides the necessary temperature. The reactor is responsible for evaporating the stillage to achieve the desired density, while it is kept under constant control. Subsequently, we add the additive package and performed a final inspection to ensure the quality of the product. Once you have completed this process, the procedure ends.

Vacuum equipment

The reactor can also be manufactured with a vacuum equipment for the production stations that require it. After evaporation, starts the vacuum and monitors the quality desired. Then we add the additive package and a control end. At the end of this process, the procedure ends.

What fertilizers to produce?

The bio-fertilizers foliar are a form of fertilizer that is applied directly on the leaves of the plants. Unlike conventional fertilizers that are applied to the soil, bio-fertilizers foliar provide nutrients through foliar uptake, which allows for quick availability and utilization by the plants.

These fertilizers contain nutrients essential to the growth and development of plants, as well as other biological components that promote plant health and improve the ability of plants to cope with stress and disease. Some of the common components of the bio-fertilizers foliar include:

  1. Nutrients: bio fertilizers foliar may contain macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium as well as micronutrients such as iron, zinc, manganese, among others. These nutrients are necessary for the optimal growth of plants and the production of healthy crops.

  2. Humic and fulvic acids: These organic compounds to promote the absorption of nutrients by the plants and improve water retention in the soil. They also stimulate the microbial activity and improve soil structure.

  3. Extracts of algae and beneficial microorganisms: Some bio-fertilizers foliar contain extracts of marine algae or beneficial microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi. These components promote the growth of plants, stimulate the immune system of plants and enhance the resistance to diseases and abiotic stress.

  4. Amino acids and phytohormones: amino acids and phytohormones present in the bio-fertilizers foliar act as regulators of plant growth, promoting cell division, rooting and flowering.

The application of bio-fertilizers foliar is performed by spraying on the leaves of the plants. These fertilizers are especially useful in situations where the plants have nutritional deficiencies, stress, or diseases, as foliar application allows for fast absorption and a rapid response of the plants.

The fertilizers of high specific weight with ammonium sulfate and urea are mainly used to provide nitrogen to the crops. These formulations are particularly effective when looking for a gradual release and controlled of nutrients throughout the growing cycle.

The ammonium sulfate is a source of release nitrogen more slowly, which means it provides a constant supply of nitrogen as the plants need it. This prevents an excessive release fast and nitrogen, which could lead to excessive vegetative growth at the expense of the formation of fruits or grains.

Urea, on the other hand, is a source of nitrogen release faster. It breaks down quickly in the soil, and provides an immediate supply of nitrogen to the plants. However, his quick release can also lead to increased leaching of nitrogen if not handled properly.

The combination of ammonium sulphate and urea in fertilizer of high specific gravity allows for a gradual release and sustained nitrogen. This is beneficial to promote a balanced growth of the plants, greater resistance to stress and a better quality of crops. In addition, the high density of the fertilizer facilitates its handling, storage and application in the field.

It is important to note that the choice of fertilizer and its application depend on several factors, including the type of crop, soil conditions, and the specific nutritional requirements. It is always recommended to perform soil tests and consult with agricultural experts to determine the best strategy of fertilization for your crops.

Fertilizers with nanoparticles of zinc, magnesium and silver are an innovative way to provide essential micronutrients to the plants more efficiently and effectively. These nanoparticles have an extremely small size, which enables them to penetrate into the plant tissues and provide nutrients more direct and precise.

Zinc and magnesium are two essential micronutrient for healthy growth and development of plants. These elements play a key role in metabolic processes and enzymatic, as well as in the synthesis of chlorophyll. The use of nanoparticles of magnesium and zinc in fertilizers, improves the absorption and utilization of these nutrients by the plants, which may result in vigorous growth, better quality crops and increased resistance to stress.

The silver, for his part, may have antimicrobial properties, and fungicides. By incorporating silver nanoparticles in fertilizers, can also help control the growth of bacteria and pathogenic fungi in the soil and in the plants, which may contribute to a better plant health and reduce the risk of diseases.

Fertilizers with nanoparticles of zinc, magnesium and silver offer advantages such as greater efficiency in the delivery of nutrients, and a better absorption by the plants and increased protection against pathogens. However, it is important to note that the use of nanoparticles in fertilizers is an emerging field of research and development, and further research is required to fully understand its benefits, risks and applications of optimal.

If you are interested in using fertilizers with nanoparticles, we recommend you search for quality products backed by scientific research and follow the application instructions provided by the manufacturers.

Vinasse is a by-product liquid that is obtained during the production of alcohol from the fermentation of materials rich in sugars, such as sugar cane, sugar beet, or corn. It is a liquid waste that results after the distillation and evaporation of the fermented mash.

The stillage is darker in color and has a strong smell because of its content of organic compounds and minerals. Its composition may vary depending on the type of feedstock used in the process of production of alcohol, but usually contains water, sugars are not fermented, mineral salts, organic compounds such as organic acids, amino acids and vitamins.

Due to their high load of nutrients and organic matter, the stillage has potential applications as a fertilizer or as a substrate for the production of biogas through processes of anaerobic digestion. However, it is important to note that the application of vinasse must be controlled and adjusted to avoid potential negative environmental impacts, such as the leaching of nutrients into groundwater or soil contamination.

In some cases, the stillage can be treated through processes of concentration, evaporation or biological treatment to reduce its volume and increase its value as a source of nutrients. This allows more efficient and sustainable use in agriculture or as a source of renewable energy.

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