Enerbioagro behind the Success of the Biodiesel Plant of Puerto Rico – Missions

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Three years ago, mayor Carlos Gustavo Koth shared his vision of a municipality, more sustainable, and one of the mainstays of management was the creation of a biodiesel plant in Puerto Rico. In collaboration with Enerbioagro, this plant has achieved a significant milestone by producing 200 thousand liters of biodiesel eco-friendly since its opening in August of 2020.

This initiative sustainable has proven its worth, as that 200 thousand liters of biodiesel have been fully utilised in the fleet of city vehicles, reducing emissions and promoting a cleaner environment. In addition, the plant has not only produced biodiesel, but also other useful products such as oil, 2T oil for chain saws and specialty chemicals.

A remarkable aspect of this project is the commitment of the local community. Families, business, gastronomic and neighboring municipalities have contributed to providing used cooking oil as a feedstock for the plant. In addition, the Municipality has established eight points of collection in the municipality so that people can dispose of your cooking oil used in a responsible manner.

The success of this biodiesel plant not only results in environmental benefits, but also has become a center of reference. The Municipality has promoted environmental education and training to allow guided tours and internships techniques for local students and even other provinces and countries.

The biodiesel plant in Puerto Rico is a testimony to the commitment to sustainability and community action. A project that has shown that the shift towards a greener future is possible and beneficial to all.

News Published by The daily Missions First Edition

Shortly before taking to the front of the communal administration of this city, the mayor Carlos Gustavo Koth decided and made public the axes of its management, one of which was based on the installation and commissioning of a production plant of biodiesel, as one of the lines of action of the model “sustainable” intended for the municipality.

In that sense, the August 6, 2020, in full pandemic by COVID-19, along with the governor Oscar Herrera Ahuad, the chief community led to the opening ceremony of the plant, mounted in a warehouse located in the vicinity of the port -San Martin, and General Peace-three years later resume its production of 200 thousand liters of biodiesel, which were used in their entirety in mobile park road city, in addition to other products.

Currently, part of the raw material that uses the biodiesel plant, is formed by oil from frying in the home that contribute to the families of the town, entrepreneurial culinary local and even neighbouring municipalities.

The enterprise is responsible to the technical Ricardo Tenaglia, who noted that the plant “is working not with the amounts of oils that I would need, but with a lot of satisfaction with the achievements: we are recovering the oil from frying, working with that for now because the crude oil soy is very difficult to achieve this.”

The crude oil of the bean soybeans, another of the raw materials used for the manufacture of biodiesel, is a product that normally acquired from a plant that is in Cainguás. “But at this moment they are making improvements there as well that we can't get it,” said Tenaglia.

Despite that inconvenience, “with the support of the neighbors and of the covenants we made with the nearby municipalities, we put together a good amount, not the one that we would need to park road city, but we are together”, he added.

3 years 200 thousand liters

Three years after their commissioning, the only Plant City of Biodiesel of the 78 municipalities in missionary, drew up to 200 thousand liters of fuel eco-friendly. “That means that there are 60 thousand liters of oil recovered that are not in the streets or in the river” stressed Tenaglia.

The entirety of the fuel produced at the plant was used in mobile machinery and park road city, while the derived products, which are also produced at the plant, have the same use, and some are distributed in the community.

In addition to biodiesel, in the place you are working in the development of other products such as oil, 2T oil for chain saws, a special chemical to the chemical baths and hydraulic oil common, among others.

All of these products were made with oils derived from plants acquired by the municipality, as well as by the oils of chips contributed by the inhabitants of Puerto Rico and neighboring municipalities, committed to the environment, those who come to plant their vessels with oil for domestic use.

On the other hand, the Municipality has organised eight places of gathering in strategic places of the town, away from the biodiesel plant, so that people can leave the oil in disuse of their homes.

These points are the same Plant, City of Biodiesel, the Municipality, the Center of Zoonosis, the Market Hub Zone, the Center for Inclusive Community (San Francisco Neighborhood), the Center of Primary Health Care of San Alberto Port, the Promenade, My Solar and the Picnic Sweet Smile (Neighborhood, City).


“We are now in the process of making an insecticide that was a campaign that we did in the 2021 - 2022 and what we're going to do, like the fat of car (lubricating grease), which also make it from a waste that we collect to generate biodiesel,” he added.

The manager of the place also highlighted the action of the Municipality, which permanently enables the contact with the people, through participation in exhibitions both local and regional, or as special guests in the other towns and more distant.

Reference center

On his side, the mayor Carlos Gustavo Koth, was very satisfied by “the level of consultation that we have, on the different production processes of the products. These contacts come from different argentinean provinces and even from abroad, especially from Chile, where it is showed interested in the experience of Puerto Rico”.

Also the head communal noted that “ours is a model plant, as it is the only one in the whole province of Misiones and the NEA, which depends on a municipality that has invested resources genuine to finance the acquisition and installation of equipment”.

On the other hand, Koth put on highlighting the fact that the biodiesel plant is also home to a very selected for the internship techniques of students of secondary schools of the region, trainings, and guided visits to the educational institutions of the area.

“On the Ground City of Biodiesel of Puerto Rico deliver certificates that not everyone has: it is the constancy of trained 45 or 50 hours in the place, learning things of biodiesel and of everything that can be generated from the edible oil used,” he concluded.

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